Building with Astral Location Proofs is easy.
- Create location proofs using the EAS SDK and the Location Proof Protocol schema
- Resolve location proofs using the EAS SDK
The EAS SDK is documented here — below we put together the workflow in javascript — copy and adapt as needed. Here is a current version of EAS.config.
Create a location attestation
This is deployed on the Logbook, specifically in the CheckinForm component.
import { EAS, SchemaEncoder } from "@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import easConfig from "~~/EAS.config";
const rpcUrl = `<your rpc url + api key here>`;
// Instantiate EAS with the appropriate provider
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl); // Replace with your RPC URL
const eas = new EAS(easConfig.chains["42161"].easContractAddress);
// Initialize SchemaEncoder with the raw schema string
const schemaRawString = easConfig.schema.rawString;
const schemaEncoder = new SchemaEncoder(schemaRawString);
// Dynamic values are:
const longitude = "-9.3539"; // decimal degrees, formatted as strings
const latitude = "51.4747";
const mediaLink = "<IPFS CID, or a URL>";
const memo = "Your memo";
// Define encodeData function to structure the data for attestation
const encodedData = schemaEncoder.encodeData([
{ name: "eventTimestamp", value: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), type: "uint256" },
{ name: "srs", value: "EPSG:4326", type: "string" },
{ name: "locationType", value: "DecimalDegrees<string>", type: "string" },
{ name: "location", value: `${longitude}, ${latitude}`, type: "string" },
{ name: "recipeType", value: ["Type1", "Type2"], type: "string[]" },
{ name: "recipePayload", value: [ethers.toUtf8Bytes("Payload1")], type: "bytes[]" },
{ name: "mediaType", value: ["image/jpeg"], type: "string[]" },
{ name: "mediaData", value: ["CID1", "CID2"], type: "string[]" },
{ name: "memo", value: "Test memo", type: "string" },
// Attest using EAS
const schemaUID = easConfig.chains["42161"].schemaUID; // Adjust for your chain ID
const attestationTx = await eas.attest({
schema: schemaUID,
data: {
recipient: "0xRecipientAddress", // Replace with recipient address
expirationTime: 0n, // No expiration
revocable: true,
data: encodedData,
const attestationResult = await attestationTx.wait();
console.log(`Attestation complete with UID: ${attestationResult.attestationUID}`);
Resolve a location attestation
Resolution uses the EAS SDK, you can find our current implementation in the Logbook source code here.
import { EAS, SchemaEncoder } from "@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import easConfig from "~~/EAS.config";
// Placeholder declarations for variables
const attestationUid = "0xAttestationUid"; // Replace with actual attestation UID
// Instantiate EAS
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(easConfig.rpcUrl); // Replace with your RPC URL
const eas = new EAS(easConfig.chains["42161"].easContractAddress); // Chain ID must be where the attestation is registered!
// Resolve the attestation with async/await
async function getAttestationData(attestationUid) {
try {
const res = await eas.getAttestation(attestationUid);
const [attestationId, schemaUID, expirationTime, revocable, refUID, initData, recipient, attester, completed, dataField] = res; // Destructure response
const schema = easConfig.schema.rawString;
const schemaEncoder = new SchemaEncoder(schema);
// Decode data using the SchemaEncoder
const attestationData = schemaEncoder.decodeData(dataField);
// Add additional fields to the extracted data
const completeData = {
// Return or log the complete attestation data
return completeData;
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error fetching or decoding attestation data:", err);
// Call the async function