OGC API Features Implementation
This document describes the OGC API Features implementation for the Astral Protocol Location Proof API.
The OGC API Features standard defines a set of RESTful interfaces to access geospatial data following a standard approach. Our implementation allows accessing location proofs in GeoJSON format with spatial and temporal filtering capabilities.
Landing Page
GET /api/ogc
Returns links to the available resources and API capabilities.
Conformance Declaration
GET /api/ogc/conformance
Lists the conformance classes that the API conforms to.
GET /api/ogc/collections
Lists the available feature collections.
Collection Details
GET /api/ogc/collections/{collectionId}
Returns detailed information about a specific feature collection.
GET /api/ogc/collections/{collectionId}/items
Returns features from the specified collection. Supports filtering and pagination.
Single Feature
GET /api/ogc/collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}
Returns a specific feature from the collection.
Query Parameters
The following query parameters are supported for the features endpoint:
Core Parameters
: Maximum number of features to return (default: 10, max: 1000)offset
: Number of features to skip (for pagination)bbox
: Bounding box filter in the formatminLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat
: Temporal filter, can be a specific time or a range:- Specific time:
- Time range:
- Open-ended range:
- Specific time:
Additional Parameters
: Filter by blockchain network (e.g.arbitrum
: Filter by proof creator address
Response Formats
All responses are in JSON format. Feature responses use the GeoJSON format with appropriate content-type headers.
GeoJSON Features
Features are returned as GeoJSON objects with the following structure:
"type": "Feature",
"id": "0x...",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [longitude, latitude]
"properties": {
"chain": "sepolia",
"prover": "0x...",
"subject": "0x...",
"event_timestamp": "2023-03-01T12:00:00Z",
"location_type": "DecimalDegrees<string>",
"revoked": false,
GeoJSON Feature Collections
Feature collections are returned as GeoJSON FeatureCollection objects:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [...],
"links": [...],
"timeStamp": "2023-03-28T15:23:45Z",
"numberMatched": 100,
"numberReturned": 10
Example Requests
Get all location proofs
GET /api/ogc/collections/location-proofs/items
Get location proofs within a bounding box
GET /api/ogc/collections/location-proofs/items?bbox=-74.1,40.6,-73.7,40.9
Get location proofs from a specific time range
GET /api/ogc/collections/location-proofs/items?datetime=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z/2023-12-31T23:59:59Z
Get location proofs from a specific blockchain
GET /api/ogc/collections/location-proofs/items?chain=sepolia
Combine multiple filters
GET /api/ogc/collections/location-proofs/items?chain=sepolia&bbox=-74.1,40.6,-73.7,40.9&limit=20&offset=40